Exceptional Management – Timing is Everything

April 10, 2019

Apps are helping me bring management by exception into my daily life.  A step counter lets me know when I’m being too lazy.  A banking app tells me when I’m going over budget.  My phone provider’s app notifies me when I’m close to my data limit for the month.  More and more, the goals and budgets I set out for myself are being monitored by third parties, and I am alerted only when action needs to be taken.

In business, managers can be handling complex budgets covering many ongoing projects and tasks.  Many run, or have employees compile, weekly exception reports to find problems that need to be addressed.  Sometimes, especially in the extremely time sensitive fashion world, weekly isn’t frequently enough, and those reports can be long and complicated, making it hard to pinpoint all items that can have material implications.



These are key reasons why Momentis has made exception alerting a key feature that covers the breadth of its Wholesale Fashion ERP application.  If, for example, a vendor updates a purchase order’s ETA date, and as a result the styles will arrive too close to or after one or several customers’ delivery windows, an alert will be triggered to notify specified personnel.  As soon as the date change is in the system, the right people know about it and corrective action can be taken – either contact the customer to negotiate dates or swap styles, or contact the vendor to opt for a different shipping method to bring goods in sooner.  Using smart alerts, management can focus on their regular tasks and jump into action immediately when predetermined events occur.

In today’s fashion industry timing is crucial.  Keeping all the moving parts in a value chain aligned and on time can be tricky, but having the tools to manage by exception makes it a more tenable proposition.  I need to sign off, my phone is telling me that due to irregular traffic, if I don’t leave now I’ll miss my next meeting.


The Momentis Fashion ERP System was developed uniquely for fashion, apparel, footwear and accessory brands, wholesalers and distributors.  Momentis automates and streamlines processes from design to delivery – Product Lifecycle Management, Sourcing & Logistics, Inventory Management, Warehouse Management, Order Management and Financials – and integrates seamlessly with leading B2C, 3PL, POS and other 3rd parties using EDI and APIs. Momentis’ Business Intelligence, Alerts and Reports make sure that the right people have the information they need when they need it.

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